Sunday, January 6, 2013

Finding a Job

So, I recently graduated with my bachelor's degree!  Yay me! Now the hard part trying to get a job!! Eeeek it is scary and hard.  The last thing I want to do is waste my 5 years and take something that is not for me.  Dream jobs seem out of reach with the desired candidate to have 5 years experience.  How do you get experience if no one wants to hire you?  It is an endless circle of questions, frustration, and down right depressing.  I am looking for a job I can use my talents and abilities not a job that wants me to answer the phone and file.  Ah frustration!!  I am hoping that times get better and I find that dream job.  It seems also to add to my level of stress about money, no job and of course all the other life stresses that go along with being married and a mother I have recently relocated my entire life to a new town.  I currently have no friends, no personal time and well no one to really talk to!  Well that about sums up my stresses.  I am glad we moved and I am glad there a more opportunities for me to find a better job, but somedays it would be nice to go have a nice hot cup of coffee with a friend.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Losing weight with kids

Today was my second weigh in for my weight loss program which I signed up for weight watchers on Wed.  It is going well I lost 6lbs since Wed.  and I feel really good.  It is hard though I am not use to weighing everything I eat and not snacking on whatever I want to eat.  I do like the program because I earn points for exercising and that is helpful makes me want to work out a lot so I can have extra points.  I am doing this for me and my daughter because I don't want her to adopt the poor eating habits that I have so I do this for us but it is hard. 

It doesn't help that I am still in college surrounded by skinny young people that don't have to watch what they eat and don't even  come close to understanding what parents deal with especially a parent that is trying to finish college it is exhausting! 

Yesterday, my husband and I took our 2 year old on a hike and it was amazing until we were about finished and the trail disappeared and we had to bushwhack the rest of the hike and then climb a giant and steep hill!  It was fun but exasperating at the same time I just wanted to get to the car because we had been hiking for 3 hours and I was done!